Pennsylvania – eastern Foreclosures Information


The government foreclosure process for the veterans administration for the state of Pennsylvania – eastern is changing to a private system.  Ocwen is now in charge of the sales.

Here is the address for the VA

5000 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia PA 19101

Here the phone number for VA and Ocwen

VA: 800-827-1000; Ocwen 407-737-5273

Here is the website address for looking up properties.

Tax liens and tax deeds are a relatively undiscovered real estate investing method that can also result in foreclosure.  

Tax lien certificate sales usually occur once per  year in states that have the sales.  

Tax deed sales often occur throughout the year, ranging from once per quarter in Arkansas, once per month in Texas and once per week in Florida.

Real Estate Investors, you can safely earn 15% to 50% at government tax sales buying tax lien certificates or
tax deeds.

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