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Book Value Investing

Book Value Growth Investing

The research contained is extremely methodical, and has a very unique ranking strategy for about 150 stocks.  The stocks where hand picked by flipping through every page of 'Value Line's' large cap book multiple times. (2,000+ pages)  Only the very best where picked based on a 10 year period of steady book value growth, low dilution, and dividends if applicable.  What is left for the reader to do is find the companies with a "durable competitive advantage", and wait until they get cheap.

Stocks are ranked like this:
1)  'Book Value Growth' for the last 10 years.
2)  Dilution or share buyback for the last 10 years.
3)  Median pe ratio for last 10 years (for a starting point in recognizing value)
7.5+sm.div,   1.05,   23
-XYZ corp grew it's book value 7.5 times in the last 10 years while paying a small dividend, 
-They have just 5% more shares outstanding than they did 10 years ago. 
-There median pe ratio for the last 10 years is 23.

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