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Michigan REITs

Michigan Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Information: 

Equity Office Properties Trust (EOP) owns a substantial portfolio of office properties in Illinois and Michigan. 

REITs information in Rogue REIT InvestorRogue REIT (real estate investment trusts) Investor exposes the hidden opportunities in REIT investing.  REIT investing is actually 50 percent less risky than investing in the stock market and since the inception of REITs in 1960, the returns have been better than the stock market, averaging a stable 15 percent return for more than 30 years.  If you want a completely hands off real estate investing method with no hassles, REITs are a great investing alternative.  

If you do not know about REITs, you are probably missing out on two of the safest and most lucrative ways to invest in real estate.  


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