Step 7: California
Earthquake Hazards Screening
If you are
concerned about earthquake hazards you
can find out if your subject property is
located within an Alquist-Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zone by going to the
following webpage.
Click on “Affected
Cities and Counties” in the left
You are redirected
to the following webpage.
You can click on
the underlined “specific cities” and
“specific counties”. For our example,
we have clicked on “specific counties”.
We are redirected
to the following page.
We have scrolled
down the page and can see that there are
many cities within Kern County for which
earthquake maps are available. You can
click on the underlined Figure to locate
the map you will need to order, if
Example clicked on
“Figure 4D”
You will have to
experiment with scrolling by moving the
bar on the right and bottom of the page.
How to Obtain
Copies of Maps
You can order other
information as desired.
Another option is
to call and/or visit your county
planning and zoning departments to
obtain earthquake hazard information.
Next Step
Historical Research