Company Information
McDonalds Corporation operates in the foodservice industry and primarily operates and franchises quick-service restaurant businesses under the the Company's brand. These restaurants serve a varied, yet limited, menu in 119 countries worldwide. Approximately 80% of the Company's restaurants and about 75% of the total revenues of its restaurants are in nine markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan (a 50%-owned affiliate accounted for under the equity method), the United Kingdom and the United States. The Company also operates other restaurant concepts under its partner brands: Boston Market, Chipotle Mexican Grill and Donatos Pizzeria, which are all located primarily in the United States. In addition, it has a minority ownership interest in United Kingdom-based Pret A Manger. In March 2002, the Company sold its Aroma Café business in the United Kingdom.
What is the stock symbol for McDonalds? MCD
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